Another travel treat for me, sitting in bed drinking my tea :) giving me ideas and making plans for one of these days …… Thank you Eric, for this wonderful story about your hearts‘ island and all the beautiful pictures. The names you gave some of it‘s „inhabitants“ made me laugh and long to come see for myself. It does look like paradise. Thanks once again, for taking me along.

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Oh and I would love to hear more about the UFO of course!

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The pictures are absolutely gorgeous!! I’m glad you get to stay again in the Fall! I loved the story about Hamtaro and Halloween. 😍

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Sep 17Liked by Tina Hedin, Eric Hedin

Eric writes, "During that visit, I took off my watch and learned to live by the rise and set of the sun and movement of the tides." When I was growing up, with five siblings, every summer when school was out the family would hike from Lake Ozette to the Pacific Coast to camp. Mom would collect all our watches. "We'll live by the sun and tides," she'd say. So cool to read this here, too. Your essay, with the gorgeous imagery and the pictures of Kiki, makes me cry. I read all the posts, but for some reason today, looking into her face here, opens me right up. So glad the two of you are camp hosts. The place sounds and looks truly magical. Thank you for sharing your lives.

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Sep 17Liked by Tina Hedin, Eric Hedin

What a beautiful essay to read this morning. Tina, I'm so glad that we connected through your writing and whether essays, emails, or a book, I am eager to read what you (and Eric) write, because your heart-thoughts are beautifully expressed and interesting. Heart open, mind aware, happy-sad. This is also how I find myself at times, those times I feel most like my true self. Thank you, Tina and Eric, for letting us into your world.

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Hi Janice, it is so good to hear from you. I am thinking about your phrase "those times I feel most like my true self" and that is what I feel my purpose is these days, just to try to be my true self. I appreciate you being here, thanks for reading. 💛

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Sep 17Liked by Tina Hedin, Eric Hedin

I can't believe I've never been to this magical place ✨ I did, however, vacation a few years back with some old college friends on Edisto Island. Preston and both of my grandparents had both passed not too long before, so I was deep in the throes of grief. I remember feeling so held by my people and the marshes and the sunsets. I hope the natural world continues to bring you solace, healing, and hope.

Congratulations on the start of book writing! I'm also contemplating a project and feeling very overwhelmed. If you need a listening ear, you know where to find me! Love and light to you, Tina!

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Hi Katrina! You will have to visit here someday. We haven't been to Edisto yet but are planning on doing a day trip there in the next week or so. Sounds like it was a good place for you to be at that time.

I'm interested in your project. I'm probably more in the contemplating stage also. I'm not giving myself any deadlines yet!

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Sep 16Liked by Tina Hedin

Hi Tina...

I view your photos first, prepping my minds eye for what's to come...

but Eric with Keek on the hammock unleashed the tears and drowned out the words :(

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Thank you Doc, that one always gets me too!

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💛💔💛 Thank you!

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Sep 16Liked by Tina Hedin, Eric Hedin

Both of you are exceptional humans. We need more like you. May your heart's island home wrap you in a tight hug.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Author

Wow I don't think anyone's ever called us that before 😊 Thank you so much Kortney. 💛

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I started reading Blue Crabs, Buttcrack River, and a UFO because I was amused by the title. I'd never read any of the Turkey Town posts. So I went down the rabbit hole and, omydog, I needed a warning. I had to pull the 'allergies' card at work because of the tears and sniffling. Just tremendous writing and realism.

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Welcome, Bradley! Sorry to make you teary at work but appreciate that you find the writing moving. Thanks so much for reading.

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Sep 16Liked by Tina Hedin, Eric Hedin

oh & pls forgive my adhd brain for not saying this before i launched into my ufo tale- you're both such great writers & paint amazingly evocative scenes with your words. tysm for sharing! 💛

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Sep 16Liked by Tina Hedin, Eric Hedin

i was 10, in 1974, & living with my family in a small massachusetts town when one night my mother & i saw what had to have been a ufo. we were in the living room when something odd caught her attention. we looked out the street-facing window and near the gas station across the street was an object hovering ~5 ft above the shrubs separating that property from the house next door. it was lit somehow & tho it didn't spin like ufos in creature double feature movies =) it did turn back & forth. my guess all these years later is that we couldn't have watched it for more than 5 or so minutes before it shot up into the night sky, but at the time it felt like it went on forever.

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i don't remember telling anyone at the time & realized recently that i never brought it up to my mother as an adult! and yeah- totally agree. i think even now people are likely to think you've lost it if you mention anything to do with ufos.

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Thank you for sharing that story, did you use that for show and tell at school the next day? I'm glad you saw it with your mom, I feel that these sightings have more credibility when seen by more than one person.

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Sep 16Liked by Tina Hedin, Eric Hedin

I second the happy/sad. I’m not aware that I have ever considered this? I have pondered the both/and way of living, yet having descriptive words that name, offers a container when needed helps. So much gratitude for taking this hitchhiker along. Beautiful pictures and nature, she’s our ultimate and all knowing healer. 🙌🏼

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Thank you Joanie, I always value your comments and appreciate you returning here to read. Yes, so true, nature is our all-knowing healer.

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Sep 16Liked by Tina Hedin, Eric Hedin

I’m so glad you’re both in a place where there is the sound of the waves and the breeze, a place warm with sun and memories. Enjoy your September and October there!

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Thank you Sheryl!

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Sep 16Liked by Tina Hedin, Eric Hedin

When reading this, I was transported back in time to Kennebunk, Maine, inspecting tidepools with my two wee ones. We named the small crabs with their one giant claw "biggie smalls" and that name, like Buttcrack River, remains what they are called, even now, decades later.

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Haha I love "biggie smalls." Funny how those names stick around and bring back the magic of special times. We never know which are going to be the little things that stay with us forever.

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Sep 16Liked by Tina Hedin, Eric Hedin

Great to hear your voice Eric

Your Island Home looks & sounds wonderful

A Book! So thrilling Teen! 🌊🩵

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Thanks! You guys have to come here some day!

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Sep 16Liked by Tina Hedin, Eric Hedin

Wonderful addition. My husband and I thought at one point we'd be camp hosts as a retirement lifestyle, but we have no particular place dear to us in the way this is to you. I love what you were able to give your daughter, and she you, in the time you had together. You're a compelling writer, in large part because of your willingness to share so vulnerably.

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Hi Judith, thanks for reading my essay. Camp hosting is a great way to see if a place is a good fit, maybe you'll find your special island!

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